Appel à contributions – Voices. A World Forum for Music Therapy, vol. 22, no 3 – 31 juillet 2021

Appel à contributions de la revue Voices. A world Forum for Music Therapy pour un numéro thématique « Language and Power in Music Therapy », vol. 22, no 3 (novembre 2022).

« Language and power are complex and dynamic notions with different meanings for different people in different contexts. […] Notably, language is not just a resource for description, but also for domination, struggle, and communication. With this special issue, we therefore hope to illuminate questions such as: “Whose knowledge and whose voices are (or aren’t) being heard and seen in music therapy and how?” We welcome submissions using various forms of communication, including poems, drawings, photos, videos, and written academic accounts. If you have other ideas of how you would like to communicate your ideas, please ask – we will probably say yes. Contributions could address any parts of the topic, including parts we haven’t listed. They could include theoretical explorations, reflective essays, arts-based responses and case studies. »

Date limite de soumission : 31 juillet 2021.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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