Appel de conférences – 10e Congrès d’organologie ANIMUSIC – 31 juillet 2021

Appel de conférences pour le 10e Congrès d’organologie ANIMUSIC, Gardunha, 27-29 août 2021.

« ANIMUSIC’s international conferences, bridging in such a special way the spheres of Science and Art, welcome the participation of thinkers and doers from all subject areas. We are an open community which is involved in research and creativity that deals, in any possible way, with sound and musical instruments. Among us: engineers, museologists, makers, historians, technicians, acousticians, biologists, musicians, conservators, composers, restorers, sociologists, organologists… all those who are dedicated to combining knowledge and going forward with renovated energy. We support relevant work and creative output, practical demonstrations and artistic performance, workshops and exhibitions… proposing, in our activities, a space and time for positive exchange and interdisciplinary discussions. »

Date limite de soumission : 31 juillet 2021.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

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