Appel de conférences – « Teaching Music History Conference » – 15 mars 2021

Appel de conférences pour la « Teaching Music History Conference », Pedagogy Study Group of the American Musicological Society, en ligne 14, 18, 21 et 25 juin 2021.

« We invite proposals that draw on the scholarship of teaching and learning to address topics related to teaching music history (broadly defined) at any academic level (K-12, higher education, community) and the issues its practitioners face. Although the conference program committee is open to proposals on any relevant topic, we especially welcome proposals that address the following:

  • Online pedagogy, student engagement, and new formats beyond the traditional classroom;
  • Teaching and learning in “the new normal” (e.g., what to carry forward after the pandemic and a year of protests)
  • Pedagogy or curricular development that explores the blurred boundaries between music history and other subdisciplines of music studies (e.g. ethnomusicology, sound studies, music theory);
  • Perspectives on teaching and learning from disciplines beyond musicology;
  • Learning to teach courses, topics, and methodologies beyond our expertise;
  • Positioning music history within the curriculum and drawing connections among courses (e.g., core and elective);
  • Strategizing meaningful conversations about curriculum with colleagues and administration;
  • Rethinking and reframing the relevance of music history within and beyond the university, college, or school of music; and
  • Perspectives on teaching and learning from outside the United States.
Proposed presentation formats may include: traditional papers (20 minutes) and teaching demonstrations (20 minutes) [250 word proposal]; lightning talks (5-7 minutes) [150 word proposal]; panel discussions (30-60 minutes) and creative sessions/workshops (30-60 minutes) [500 word proposal]. The Pedagogy Study Group encourages panel organizers to bring together panelists with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. »

Date limite de soumission : 15 mars 2021.

Formulaire de soumission : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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