Appel de conférences – The Music Society at Temple’s (themus) 2021 Graduate Conference – 31 décembre 2020

Appel de conférences pour la 8e Music Society at Temple’s (themus) 2021 Graduate Conference, Music Society at Temple University, en ligne, 2-3 avril 2021.

« The Music Society at Temple (themus) invites paper proposals for its eighth annual graduate conference on Saturday, April 3, 2021. Research relating to the fields of music theory, history, and ethnomusicology will be considered. In addition, we welcome proposals on music perception and cognition, jazz and improvisation, and computer applications in music for an afternoon session on Friday, April 2, 2021, which will be dedicated to the late music theorist Dr. Aleck Brinkman. Proposals should be designed for a 20-minute presentation/10-minute discussion format.

Our keynote speakers will be Professor Elizabeth West Marvin of Eastman School of Music (Friday) and Professor Kevin Fellezs of Columbia University (Saturday). Professor Marvin has written numerous articles on music cognition, music theory pedagogy, theory and analysis of atonal music, contour theory, history of theory, and analysis and performance. She is the co-author of three undergraduate music theory textbooks, including W. W. Norton’s « A Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis. » Professor Fellezs is the author of « Birds of Fire: Jazz, Rock, Funk and the Creation of Fusion » (Duke University Press). He released his new book « Listen But Don’t Ask Questions: Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Across the TransPacific » (Duke University Press) in December 2019. He has also written articles and essays on jazz, popular music, and Asian American popular culture. »

Date limite de soumission : 31 décembre 2020.

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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