Appels de conférences – « AMS-SMT Joint Annual Meeting » – 1er, 7 et 10 mars, 10 avril 2023

Appels de conférences pour le AMS-SMT Joint Annual Meeting, Denver, 9-12 novembre 2023.

  • Pedagogy Study Group Session

« The Pedagogy Study Group seeks proposals for a multi-format session at the next annual meeting of the AMS in Denver, 9–12 November, 2023. We solicit proposals in all areas of pedagogy; possible themes include (but are not limited to):

• alternative assessments [grading systems and assignments]
• reframing/de-centering the canon
• pandemic-influenced changes to classroom environments and/or pedagogies
• approaches to writing and communication in the classroom [AI use, writing anxiety, etc.]
• embodied learning, active learning, hands-on approaches to history, students-as-scholars
• accessibility and Universal Design
• other themes »

Date limite de soumission : 1er mars 2023. Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

  • Cold War Music Study Group

« The Cold War Music Study Group is organizing a panel submission for the 2023 Annual Meeting of the AMS/SMT in Denver on the topic of music, religion, and spirituality in the Cold War. Recent historical scholarship has shown that the battle between communism and capitalism was as much a spiritual contest as it was a geopolitical one. We might, as Diane Kirby has written, think of the Cold War as “a global conflict between the god-fearing and the godless” (2003). Jonathan P. Herzog, for example, has argued that American politicians saw religion (and specifically Christianity) as a key component that both differentiated the United States from the Soviet Union as well as placed a special urgency on the former’s triumph over the latter (2011). At the same time, following Marx’s dictum that “religion [was] the opium of the masses,” the Soviet Union sought to replace Tsarist-era religion with state-sponsored atheism. The result, as Victoria Smolkin has demonstrated, transformed atheism into a pseudo-spiritual cosmology (2018). Present in global conflicts in Korean (e.g., Chang 2014) and Vietnam as well as de- and post-colonial change in the Middle East and Africa, spiritual identity cooperated with political alignment as a tool for both propaganda and resistance. As countries around the world grappled with both Western and Soviet colonialism, religious pluralities had to be negotiated alongside resurgent national identities. »

Date limite de soumission : 7 mars 2023. Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

  • Archives, Music and Philosophy Study Group

« Archives and archival work hold a contested position within music studies, especially given recent attempts to redress the forms of exclusion that have traditionally structured the field’s intellectual commitments. As much as they have functioned as the guarantors of scholarly legitimacy and objectivity, archives present a fruitful site to reflect on the larger historiographic, epistemological, and political aporias that accompany their existence. To this end, a growing body of literature has theorized “the archive” to better account for the ways that minoritized lives and practices have been obscured, rendered unruly, or simply forgotten within hegemonic narratives. Scholars such as Saidiya Hartman, Diana Taylor, Ann Laura Stoler, Ann Cvetkovich, and Robin Gray have thus articulated new critical perspectives on and from within the archive that productively sit alongside previous accounts from the likes of Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida. »

Date limite de soumission : 10 mars 2023. Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

  • AMS LGBTQ Study Group

« The AMS LGBTQ Study Group is organizing a panel for the 2023 Annual Meeting of the AMS/SMT in Denver on a topic that relates to the relationship between music studies and 2LGBTQ+ studies. We especially invite submissions from graduate student presenters and proposals that emphasize any aspect of 2LGBTQ+ and musical cultures of the conference location in Colorado. Other topics of interest could include:

• Queer and/or trans methods in music scholarship
• 2LGBTQ+ music pedagogies
• Gender-expansive embodiment and musical practice
• Queer of color critique in music studies
• Performances and practices of queer & trans joy
• Homonationalist music aesthetics
• Queer conceptions of Country & Western musics »

Date limite de soumission (extension) : 10 avril 2023 (proposition de 250-300 mots à envoyer à amslgbtq -at- Pour plus d’informations sur le AMS LGBTQ Study Group : cliquez ici.

  • Music Notation, Inscription, Visualization Study Group

« For the 2023 meeting of AMS/SMT in Denver, CO, the Study Group for Music Notation, Inscription, and Visualization is soliciting papers for a session titled “Beyond the Staff: Pedagogies and Practices,” focusing on the advantages and limits of oral, staff and non-staff music notations when teaching music history and theory in a post-canonical, decolonial, and global classroom. 

While undergraduate and graduate instructors are increasingly interested in finding alternatives to the limits and epistemologies imposed by staff notation, they do not always have the training or resources to design new materials for the classroom (e.g. graduate students, adjunct and non-tenured faculty, professors with heavy teaching loads). By bringing together the research and pedagogical expertise of those who are currently addressing this problem, the panel’s ultimate goal is to create a special journal issue that would work both as a go-to reference for undergraduate and graduate assignments, and as a model for future efforts with similar objectives. »

Date limite de soumission : 10 mars 2023. Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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