Appel de conférences – « 2023 Organological Congress (CO2023OC) » – 30 avril 2023

Appel de conférences pour le « 2023 Organological Congress (CO2023OC) », 11th International Scientific Meeting for Sound, Music and Musical Instrument Studies, Coimbra (Portugal), 21-24 juillet 2023.

« In-motion, with emotion: the belief in Art, Science and Knowledge, and in the power of goodness in Humankind.

We are Nature and we create an astonishing world with unbelievable possibilities. While acknowledging and protecting wise ancestry, we can improve our environment. Conscious about our footprints, and trusting in our capacity to develop for the better – for the benefit of all who share this planet, from the seas to the top of the highest rocks and beyond, from micro cells to the largest beings. Inspired, doers, and protectors. 

We are artists and scientists, and it’s our mission, when our decision, to make it happen: we have millennia of experimenting and proving. ANIMUSIC was born as a platform for networking, being a tool to help debate constructively our reality, and to support us who make happen.

Topics that we particularly welcome to forward and debate, in this Organological Congress 2023:

  • reflections on wave equations
  • time and space dimensions (more than 4…)
  • past and future of sound
  • ethnological diversity
  • anthropological considerations about the evolution of music and sound tools
  • biological interface
  • music and sound at the service of psychology and vice-versa
  • the role of medicine in the ergonomic construction of musical instruments
  • museums’ difficulties and solutions »

Date limite de soumission : 30 avril 2023.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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