Appel de conférences – 30e Colloque « Feminist Theory and Music 16 » – 15 septembre 2021

Appel de conférences pour le 30e Colloque « Feminist Theory and Music 16 », University of Guelph (ON), 7-10 juillet 2022.

« In 1991, 184 people came together at the first Feminist Theory and Music conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota to discuss engagements with feminist and sexuality studies in music scholarship. […] In this thirtieth anniversary year, FT&M16 continues the tradition of women-led and feminist-centered collaborations and alliances. In the wake of the profound transformations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing struggles for social justice, the theme for this conference will be “Connections.” We seek to foster and explore connections of all kinds—connections between people, between practitioners and academics, between generations, between the past and the present.

As we embark on the next thirty years of feminist thought and action in music studies we acknowledge, also, that many iterations of feminist discourse, ideology, and practice have been broadly alienating, oppressive, and exclusionary. We assert that with new connections can come the rupture of old ways of being, knowing, and doing; we also claim that disruption and disconnection can be as generative and powerful as collaboration. For these reasons, we especially welcome the participation and perspectives of people who have been historically excluded or omitted from feminist spaces. »

Date limite de soumission : 15 septembre 2021.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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