Colloque – Narrating Musicology – 5-8 septembre 2021

Colloque « Narrating Musicology. Fachgeschichte(n) der Musikwissenschaft », Université de Berne et en ligne, 5-8 septembre 2021.

Conférences d’honneur : Anselm Gerhard (Universität Bern), Simon McKerrell (Newcastle), Patricia Opondo (Durban), David Irving (Barcelone).

« Traditionally, musicology has been divided into three strands: historical musicology, systematic musicology and ethnomusicology. Additionally, related subjects such as music theory and music pedagogy have had an important impact on current research on the history of the discipline. The result of this, however, is that multiple – and at times even isolated – histories of musicology have developed. This conference focuses on these various narratives, and aims at encouraging an inter- as well as intra-disciplinary dialogue. […] Another important aspect of this conference is the question of why we should study the history of our discipline at all. »

Inscription obligatoire si on souhaite assister en personne : narratingmusicology(a)

Programme et liens Zoom : visitez le site du colloque.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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