Appel de conférences – 48e colloque annuel de la SAM, Tucson 2022 – 12 juillet 2021

Appel de conférences pour le 48e colloque annuel de la Society for American Music (SAM), à Tucson et en ligne, 9-13 mars 2022.

« To celebrate the musical heritage of the conference site, we solicit proposals that emphasize any aspect of music and musical cultures (especially Indigenous and ethnic traditions) in Tucson and the surrounding region during any part of its history. Topics might include the musical cultures and traditions of Native American and Indigenous populations or the musical practices along the U.S.-Mexico border. Members are also encouraged to submit proposals relating to the career of SAM 2022 honorary member, Mariachi Cobre; the music industries located in Tucson such as Zoom Records; explorations in music, mobility, and border crossing; the musical scenes of Arizona including punk rock, jazz, folk, underground hip hop, country, and experimental/noise music; and performers and musicians associated with the Southwest such as Linda Ronstadt, Selena Quintanilla, Bob Nolan, Lalo Guerrero, Gu-Achi Fiddlers, Mariachi Luz de Luna, and Gertie Lopez. »

Date limite de soumission : 12 juillet 2021.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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