Appel à contributions – Journal of Music Research Online

Appel à contributions du Journal of Music Research Online, publiée par l’Université d’Adélaïde (Australie).

« The Journal of Music Research Online (JMRO) is a freely accessible, peer-reviewed journal for the publication of scholarly research in music published by The University of Adelaide. It has a distinguished international editorial board, a broad scope of music research and only publishes research which is of the highest international standard.

JMRO offers authors:

  • short submission to publication time,
  • no page limits,
  • the inclusion of audio and video samples, high quality images and music scores where those items enhance the presentation of the research,
  • publication of articles as soon as they are ready.

JMRO is now calling for English language articles of the highest international scholarly standards in areas including, but not limited to, Composition, Early Music, Ethnomusicology, Gender Studies in Music, Interdisciplinary Studies in Music, Music Education, Music Technologies, Musicology, Music Theory and Analysis, Performance Practice, Popular Music, Opera and Ludomusicology. Articles in other areas considered to be appropriate by the managing editor will also be published.

JMRO also welcomes submissions of film and video documentaries (such as field-based ethnomusicological explorations) or other forms of media, which meet the standards of online publication of music research.

Visit JMRO to see the high-quality papers and the wide range of topics covered in the papers published to date. »

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
© 2025 OICRM / Tous droits réservés