Appel de conférences – « Women’s Work in Music » – 26 avril 2021

ppel de conférence pour le 3e colloque international « Women’s Work in Music », Université de Bangor, Royaume-Uni, en ligne, 1-2 septembre 2021.

« Following on from our first two Conferences (2017, 2019), we are pleased to announce that the Third International Conference on Women’s Work in Music will be held online, and will provide virtual spaces for discussion, music and networking.

Submit a Proposal : We invite researchers and practitioners to submit proposals which engage with a range of perspectives on women’s work in music, whether these be from an academic, practice-based or educational viewpoint. Paper proposals are encouraged on women’s work in music in any musical genre, period or practice which may address, but need not be limited to, the following topics:

  • Composition and/or Performance in and beyond the Western traditions – historical (from Early Music onwards), contemporary and future.
  • Women as Conductors.
  • Women in Popular Music.
  • Women and Music Technology.
  • Ethnomusicology and Ethnography.
  • Music Analysis and Theory.
  • Women in the Music Industries and Music Administration.
  • Women and Music Education (all levels).
  • Women and Activism in Music (politics, #MeToo, Black Lives Matter etc.).
  • Feminism, Gender, and Canonisation.
  • The Representation of Women Making Music.
  • Queer and LGBTQ+ Perspectives.
  • Women, Music and COVID-19.

Submission Guidelines : 

  1. Individual Proposals: Proposals for papers should be sent as 200-word abstracts. Individual papers should be 20 minutes in length and will be followed by 10 minutes of discussion.
  2. Session Proposals (90 minutes): Session organisers should send a summary of the overall session (300 words) and include the abstracts of the 3 papers (200 words each). Papers within the session should be 20 minutes in length and will be followed by 10 minutes of discussion.

Date limite de soumission : 26 avril 2021. Envoyer la proposition au format Word à wwm[a] en utilisant le format suivant :

  • Nom, affiliation (le cas échéant) et coordonnées.
  • Titre et résumé de la proposition.
  • Besoins techniques et autres : veuillez indiquer si votre présentation comprendra des diapositives PowerPoint, des exemples audio, etc.
  • Biographique (150 mots).
Le Comité prendra sa décision finale le vendredi 14 mai 2021 et les contributeurs seront informés immédiatement après. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter Rhiannon Mathias – wwm[a] »

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