Nouvelle parution – « Introduction. A Connected History and Geography of Studios »

Vient de paraître : « Introduction. A Connected History and Geography of Studios », par Jonathan Goldman (membre de l’OICRM), Fanny Gribenski et João Romão, Contemporary Music Review, vol. 39, n6, 2020, p. 639-647, DOI: 10.1080/07494467.2020.1863001

« This issue aims to move from specific case studies of individual studios to a topography of studio practice. In mapping the manifold networks to which these studios belonged, this issue first uncovers the various contexts of the studio’s activities, from large scale socio-political and economic structures of power to academic and educational systems; music’s various economies; as well as cultural modes of sociability. In tracing these connections, the essays collected here identify the many institutions, people, and objects that shaped studio practice. »

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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