Appel de conférences – « Meeting of Worlds. Traditional Instruments and Their Role in Contemporary Composition » – 1er avril 2021

Appel de conférences pour le symposium « Meeting of Worlds. Traditional Instruments and Their Role in Contemporary Composition », Academy of Performing Arts, Prague et en ligne, dans le cadre du International Shakuhachi Festival Prague, 9 septembre 2021.

« Today, the attributes such as “exotic” basically lack their meaning. We witness a number of, more or less convincing, syncretisms in the music of various genres. Today, however, because we know much more about the music of non-western cultures than we did 130 years ago, we are able to simultaneously experience the vast diversity and the polymorphous interconnectedness of cultures across the planet. On a deeper musical-structural level, one can look for connections, where instead of syncretism, one can talk about synthesis. One’s own musical identity can be interrogated either in a relationship to, or without attachment to, or in contrast to one’s own cultural environment. It is often a surprising discovery that what one is striving for has been accomplished centuries ago elsewhere.

Traditional instruments of non-European (and also European) cultures play an irreplaceable role in this creative leaven. What about them attracts contemporary artists? What do these authors strive for and what creative goals do they achieve by using these instruments? Should non-western regional instruments enter the European context – be the colorful extension of the European musical tradition? And should European regional instruments enter the soundscapes of other cultures – become homogeneous with them? Should these musical worlds coexist, or create a whole new world altogether? How, if at all, does the musical-cultural context of regional instruments influence a composer’s way of thinking? Can regional instruments be used without taking musical-cultural context into account? »

Date limite de soumission : 1er avril 2021.

Pour plus d’informations, voir l’appel en ligne.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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