Appel de conférences – Midwest Graduate Music Consortium – 10-11 avril 2021

Appel de conférences pour la 25e rencontre annuelle du Midwest Graduate Music Consortium, « Timely Conversations », Society for Music Research at the University of Michigan, en ligne, 10-11 avril 2021.

« MGMC 2021 seeks to showcase “Timely Conversations,” focusing on scholarship and new music produced in response to the varied conversations that have taken place over the past year about racial injustice, inequality, and the effects of a global pandemic on universities, research, and societies—all of which raise questions about accessibility, prejudice, and power dynamics in our work. This research may include topics such as, but not limited to, institutional and humanitarian crises; music during social upheaval; accessibility in music scholarship and pedagogy; diversifying the music syllabus; the effects of social distancing on research, performing, and teaching; and thinking about the way music scholarship and pedagogy engages with race and other identities. It is our hope that the timely conversations we have at MGMC 2021 will stimulate productive conversation among attendees and serve as a tipping point for the future of music scholarship. »

Date limite de soumission : 11 janvier 2021.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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