Appel de conférences – « Music and Embodiment in Screen Media » – 30 avril 2024

Appel de conférences pour le colloque « Music and Embodiment in Screen Media », AMS Music and Media Study Group, Chicago, 14-17 novembre 2024.

« Perhaps the most conventional role of music in screen media is to stand in for immaterial things:  the mental, spiritual and emotional side of the narrative, and most particularly the subtle psychological states of the characters. Because music itself is immaterial, it is the natural vehicle for representing that which cannot be represented. 

Or so the familiar argument goes. But there are moments when music does no such thing. 

The AMS Music and Media SG seeks short presentations (15-20 minutes) on moments where screen music is thrillingly, bracingly, or disgustingly enmeshed with bodies. Subtopics may include performance studies, organology, affect theory, entrainment, voice studies, the erotic, the grotesque, timbre, dance, acoustics, gastromusicology, audience response, or any other facet of the bodily humanities. All forms of screen media are eagerly embraced. »

Date limite de soumission : 30 avril 2024.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

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