Appel à contributions – « (De)Coloniality & Opera / Music Theatre » – 1 mars 2024

Appel à contributions du Journal of Black Opera and Music Theatre pour son numéro « (De)Coloniality & Opera / Music Theatre », vol. 1, no 1 (2024).

« In this inaugural issue of the Journal of Black Opera and Music Theatre we invite contributions that explore the topic of (de)coloniality, Blackness, and opera from different methodological, aesthetic, institutional, socio-political, and geographical angles.

A few central themes in our inquiry: Can decolonisation drive significant social transformations? Can decolonisation prompt a wide-ranging reorientation of the politics of artistic institutions and performance? These topics are especially pressing for the institution and genre of opera, often not only described as elitist and Eurocentric but also as an artform of colonisation and imperialism as theorised by Edward Said (Culture and Imperialism, 1993). South African opera composer and musicologist Neo Muyanga sees decolonial potential in opera and music theatre which can serve “as viable platforms for exploring, rather than avoiding, the persistent asymmetries of power between the global North and South, as well as the hidden contingencies these asymmetries portend.” (Muyanga 2020) »

Date limite de soumission : 1er mars 2024.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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