EXTENSION – Appel de conférences – « Music Studies and the Anthropocene. Agitating for New Futures » – 15 février 2024

Appel de conférences pour le colloque « Music Studies and the Anthropocene. Agitating for New Futures », en ligne, 4-5 mai 2024.

« Our impetus for this call emerges from two threads of inspiration—or, indeed, provocation. The first is Michel Foucault’s insight in Archaeology of Knowledge (1969), in which he queries “moments of discontinuity, rupture, threshold, limit, series, and transformation” that surface amidst efforts to unite discourses, inbetween-ness serving “new foundations, the rebuilding of foundations.” Our second point of departure is Bathsheba Demuth and Kerri Arsenault’s work on environmental storytelling and, in particular, the question of how the non-human narrates or bears witness to environmental change. Inviting the rebuilding of relational knowledge in a fundamental way, they ask: what might stories about the end of the world look or sound like if they were produced by sentient beings other than ourselves? These avenues of thought lead us to wonder, how might music scholars intervene otherwise? »

Date limite de soumission (extension) : 15 février 2024.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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