Appel à contributions – « Musique et résilience » – 15 mars 2024

Appel à contributions de la revue Roczniki Humanistyczne (fascicule 12 : Musicologie) pour son dossier « Musique et résilience » (2024), sous la dir. de Kinga Krzymowska-Szacoń et Michał Jędrzejski.

« The editors of Roczniki Humanistyczne (Annals of Arts) invite you to co-create the fascicle Musicology no. 12 (2024) entitled “Music and resilience”. Please send us original articles on music of various eras, styles and genres as a factor shaping resilience, i.e. the ability to mentally and emotionally cope with a crisis or return to a pre-crisis state. When considering resilience and music, questions can be asked, including the role of music in managing emotions in the face of situations that disturb a person’s mental balance (conflict, war, illness, failures, etc.); how music can (or cannot) become a factor in returning to balance; whether music can carry elements of reconstruction or commemoration of trauma. »

Date limite de soumission : 15 mars 2024.

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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