Appel de conférences – « Music, Body, and Embodiment » – 23 avril 2023

Appel de conférences pour le colloque « Music, Body, and Embodiment. New Approaches in Musicology », Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini, en ligne, 8-10 décembre 2023.

« There is a two-way relationship between music and body, whereby the former is created through the latter, but the latter is metaphorically implied in the former. A piece of music reflects the embodied consciousness of those who create or perform it. At the same time, music can «represent» or «stand for» a metaphorical body.

If we think of the body as a cultural construct, music can contribute to its «construction» in the same way as other artistic practices in which the body is more obviously involved, such as dance, acting, or theatrical costumes.

In keeping with this idea of a close relationship between music and body, this conference calls for contributions in a wide range of musicological areas and encourages a variety of new approaches that can help overcome rigid dichotomies such as historical vs systematic, musicological vs ethnomusicological, historical vs analytical, formalist vs contextualist, and so on. »

Date limite de soumission : 23 avril 2023.

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