Appel à contributions – Jazz and Culture – 1er avril 2023

Appel à contributions pour le numéro d’automne 2023 de Jazz and Culture, « Jazz Across Screen Media », sous la dir. de Michael Heller.

« The journal Jazz and Culture invites scholars and artists to submit proposals for media and book reviews (1,000-2,000 words) for our special theme issue on the topic of “Jazz Across Screen Media,” slated for release in Fall 2023. We are accepting submissions relating to a range of topics, including jazz’s connections to film, television, social media, video gaming, and other related technologies.

To propose a review, please email a brief letter of introduction describing the item you would like to review to Editor-In-Chief Michael Heller at: Michael.heller -at- Initial proposals need not be long, but the completed review manuscript must be ready to send by April 1.

Jazz and Culture is an annual, peer-reviewed publication devoted to publishing cutting-edge research on jazz from multiple perspectives. All methodological approaches are welcome, including ethno/musicology, music theory, and critical and cultural studies. Drawing upon recent trends in music scholarship, we further seek to interrogate a range of issues connecting music, race, class, gender, and other realms of social practice. We particularly encourage submissions exploring the music’s international scope. »

Date limite de soumission : 1er avril 2023.

Pour soumettre : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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