Appel de conférences – « Pedagogy Study Group Session » – 1er mars 2023

Appel de conférences du Pedagogy Study Group pour une session multi-format à la prochaine rencontre annuelle de l’AMS, Denver, 9-12 novembre 2023.

« We solicit proposals in all areas of pedagogy; possible themes include (but are not limited to):

  • alternative assessments [grading systems and assignments]
  • reframing/de-centering the canon
  • pandemic-influenced changes to classroom environments and/or pedagogies
  • approaches to writing and communication in the classroom [AI use, writing anxiety, etc.]
  • embodied learning, active learning, hands-on approaches to history, students-as-scholars
  • accessibility and Universal Design
  • other themes
Examples of formats solicited for this session include but are not limited to: 1) formal papers; 2) demonstrations (for instance, using live performance in the music history classroom, etc.); 3) panel discussion-sessions; 4) lightning talks. Presentations may be proposed by an individual or group of individuals and may be as brief as 20-30 minutes or as long as two hours.
Proposals for multi-format sessions should identify the participants, outline the intellectual content of the session, describe the structure of the session, and indicate the durations of the activities. The Pedagogy Study Group encourages panel organizers to bring together panelists with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Proposals are not restricted to Pedagogy Study Group members; all are welcome to submit. »


Date limite de soumission : 1er mars 2023. Envoyer la proposition (500 mots) à Kristen Strandberg (ks532 -at-

ISSN : 2368-7061
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