Appel à contributions – Name / Understand / Play. Reflecting on Metaphors in Music and Sound – 1er février 2023

Appel à contributions pour le volume Name / Understand / Play. Reflecting on Metaphors in Music and Sound, sous la dir. de Nina Sun Eidsheim, Martin Daughtry, Dylan Robinson & Daniel K.S. Walden.

« As our title suggests, we are interested in the possibilities opened up by “naming,” “understanding,” and “playing” with the metaphors that shape people’s experiences of music and sound. By “naming,” we mean recognizing and identifying the metaphoricity of a particular concept within music discourse. By “understanding,” we mean uncovering the genealogies of a particular metaphor and tracing its many effects in the world. By “playing,” we mean upending or redefining a conventional metaphor, proposing a new metaphor, or experimentally stringing metaphors together to create new fields of possibility. We see these activities as phases within a broader engagement with metaphors: after recognizing and naming a metaphor, one can seek to understand it; after developing an understanding of it, one can begin to play with it. We welcome our essayists to focus on one, two, or all three of these forms of engagement. »

Date limite de soumission : 1er février 2023.

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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