Appel de conférences – Music, Mediation, and Disability – 31 août 2020

Appel de conférences pour la symposium en ligne « Music, Mediation, and Disability. Representation and Access », 21-22 novembre 2020.

« The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us of the centrality of mediation—the representation and communication of images and sounds via technology—at the intersections of music and disability (Kielian-Gilbert 2016, 375). Whether at work behind new technologies of access in a time of crisis or portraying people with disabilities on screen, mediation plays a critical role in the social construction of disability (Pullen et al. 2019, 467). New and established technologies of mediation possess the potential to enable the “empowerment of excluded and silenced bodies” (Garrisi & Johanssen 2020, 18). At the same time, however, they can also reflect, and even reproduce, systemic inequalities and ingrained prejudices, both historically and in the present global crisis.

The opportunities and challenges of mediating disability clearly play out in the musical realm, where the boundaries between representation and misrepresentation, and between accessible and inaccessible musicking, are in constant negotiation. As Neil Lerner has argued, a musical score can both support and—on another level—resist screen-media narratives of disability (Lerner 2017, 856-90). The current pandemic-driven mediation of music on digitized platforms draws increased attention to access, as demarcations between public and private musical experience are navigated and/or redrawn. How might the mediation of music assist in “offering a forceful alternative to pervasive ableist imaginaries” (Galan 2020)? »

Date limite de soumission : 31 août 2020.

Pour plus de détails, voir l’appel en ligne.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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