Appel de conférences – « ‘Sicut in cælo, et in terra’. Commissioning and Production of Sacred Music in Italy from the Middle Ages to Today » – 5 mars 2023

Appel de conférences pour le colloque « ‘Sicut in cælo, et in terra’. Commissioning and Production of Sacred Music in Italy from the Middle Ages to Today », en ligne, 6-8 octobre 2023

« Italian cities are full of cathedrals, collegiate churches, convents and monasteries. These ecclesiastical institutions are proof of a widespread propagation of the church from the Middle Ages to today, a diffusion rich in history and artistic and musical clients. The sacred music that accompanies liturgical life is therefore an extremely articulated and extensive phenomenon whose production has encompassed a variety of contexts over the centuries, both institutional (for example the musicians who served in the chapels, or the patronage of cardinals and ecclesiastics) and non-institutional (represented by courts, noble and bourgeois families linked to the clergy). Within these generic subdivisions, several other elements were inserted: the canonization of the saints, the sacred feasts, popular religious devotion, the musical production of the brotherhoods, and extra-liturgical sacred music. It was a variegated world rich in cultural stimuli that is too often interpretated by an analysis that relegates it to a subsidiary or secondary position with respect to melodrama or to ‘profane’ music itself, which is wrongly considered to be the sole engine of an avant-garde language. »

Date limite de soumission : 5 mars 2023

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