Appel de conférences – « Remaking the Past » – 30 septembre 2022

Appel de conférences pour la 44e NCSA Annual Conference sur le thème « Remaking the Past », Sacramento, 30 mars-1er avril 2023

« We seek perspectives into the wide range of nineteenth-century reinterpretations of the past and their consequences. We invite papers and panels covering and uncovering political history, social history, history of science, literature, visual and performing arts, and popular culture. We welcome interdisciplinary and inclusive approaches that revisit and broaden ways of looking at the nineteenth century, including those that interrogate constructions of gender, race, settler-colonialism, and ethnicity as seen in, or that were created about, that era. We also invite papers that examine communities, artifacts, or epistemologies that resist remaking the past, including those that explore cultures for which preserving the past unaltered was/is a form of survival and resistance. »

Date limite de soumission : 30 septembre 2022

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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