Appel de conférences pour le colloque « Dark Sides of Life in Schubert’s Vienna», Schubert Research Center Vienna, 22-24 octobre 2025.
« The world of Biedermeier Vienna was not only bright, friendly, and cozy, but also had its dark sides. Poverty, illness, and sudden death were commonplace, and people were confronted with melancholy, the gothic, the uncanny, and the supernatural. The dark sides of this period also include secret societies, rampant censorship, and a wide range of activities that did not take place in the light of day, such as illegal gambling. The fifth annual conference of the Schubert Research Center will explore these phenomena within the larger cultural, historical, and artistic context of Schubert’s time. Schubert himself was said to have a “dual nature” and often “produced songs of the most agonizing beauty in the dark, sacred hours.”
Date limite de soumission : 7 avril 2025.
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