Distinction – Prix IMS Guido Adler 2021 à Lorenzo Bianconi et Yoshihiko Tokumaru

Toutes nos félicitations à Lorenzo Bianconi et Yoshihiko Tokumaru qui ont remporté le prix IMS Guido Adler 2021 pour l’ensemble de leurs travaux. 

« The IMS Directorium has chosen Lorenzo Bianconi to receive this award because of his lifetime record of path-breaking research, his outstanding administrative achievements, and his numerous earlier awards in and outside of Italy, including the Dent Medal of the Royal Musical Association, corresponding member in the American Musicological Society, honorary member of the Accademia Filarmonica in Bologna, corresponding member of Accademia delle Scienze in Turin, member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and corresponding member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei […]. 

The IMS Directorium has chosen Yoshihiko Tokumaru to receive this award because of his lifetime record of significant research publications, which number in the hundreds and appear in five languages, his distinguished record of teaching, both at Ochanomizu University and the University of California, Los Angeles, his achievements as an editor of major international dictionaries and encyclopedias, including The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music and the Japanese editions of Larousse de la musique and The New Grove, and his previous awards, which include the Tanabe Prize, awarded by the Society for Research in Asiatic Music for his book, Minzoku-ongakugaku, and the selection of Tokumaru as keynote speaker during the Quinquennial IMS Congress in Tokyo in 2017 […]. »

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