Séminaire – « Post Truth and the Musical Humanities » – 13 septembre-11 octobre 2021

Séminaire « Post Truth and the Musical Humanities », en ligne, 13 septembre-11 octobre 2021.

Organisateurs : Wolfgang Marx (University College Dublin) et Alexandra Monchick (California State University, Northridge).

« Although we all have been experiencing a “post-truth” phenomenon for a number of years, its impact on academia and the way the academy has shaped the concept, has not been fully explored. This seminar series will examine musicology as an example of how academia and societal developments in the wider world interact. We seek to present heuristics for the “post-post-truth era.” The five seminars will discuss recent developments in musicology through practical examples and epistemological considerations (such as the discourses on gender and race, misunderstandings of critical and postmodern thinking, or what might be called the “moral turn” in the humanities and social sciences). We will explore issues such as how increases in societal polarization, individual reliance on faith, emotion, and “gut,” and the subversion of common discourse in the public sphere (particularly through social media) find certain equivalents in both musicological research and teaching. »

Au programme :

  • 13 septembre : Wolfgang Marx (University College Dublin), «Singing between Scylla and Charybdis. Ethics, Power and Polarization in the Musical Humanities»
  • 20 septembre : Pierpaolo Polzonetti (University of California, Davis), «Polarization in Musicology» (modératrice: Kristi Brown-Montesano, Colburn Conservatory of Music, Los Angeles)
  • 27 septembre : Philip Ewell (Hunter College, CUNY), «Polarization in Music Theory» (modérateurs: Wolfgang Marx, Alexandra Monchick)
  • 4 octobre : Robert Fink (University of California, Los Angeles), «The Empirical Strikes Back. Pop Music, Data Science, and the White Racial Frame»
  • 11 octobre : Alexandra Monchick (California State University, Northridge), «Post-Truth and Performance Narratives. Knowing What You Mean (and No Clue) Whence Comes that Knowledge»

Pour plus de détails, cliquez ici.

Image : site du séminaire.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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