Appel de conférences – 57e Colloque international d’études médiévales – 15 septembre 2021

Appel de conférences pour le 57e Colloque international d’études médiévales, Kalamazoo (MI), 9-14 mai 2022.

« The program committee for Musicology at Kalamazoo (Gillian Gower, Christina Kim, Andrea Klassen, Sarah Long, and Lucia Marchi) invites abstracts for the 57th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 9-14, 2022. The session topics approved by the Congress include:

• Chant and Liturgy
• Disciplining Music in the Global Middle Ages
• Bodies in Motion: Singers, Dancers, and Musicians
• Chant and Polyphony: Looking Beyond the Cantus Firmus
• Digital Humanities and Medieval Music

We hope these topics can foster dialogue between musicologists and scholars in other areas, so we encourage specialists in fields other than Music to
submit proposals. Musicology at Kalamazoo strives to foster an environment that is supportive of medievalists of color and other marginalized groups. Papers tackling themes of diversity, inclusion, pedagogy, class, race, disability, gender, and sexual orientation will also be particularly welcome at our sessions. »

Date limite de soumission : 15 septembre 2021.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

Image : site du colloque.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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