Appel de conférences – 4th Transnational Opera Studies Conference – 15 octobre 2022

Appel de conférences pour a 4e édition de Tosc@ (Transnational Opera Studies Conference), organisé par Kordula Knaus (Université de Bayreuth) et Anno Mungen (Université de Bayreuth), Bayreuth, 23-25 juin 2022.

« Open to all approaches, forms, genres and periods, the tosc@ conference aims to unite the excellence and boldness of contemporary research on opera and musical theatre in general. The conference moves from place to place, encouraging the presence of contributors from the host countries, enlarging the circle of its participants and promoting encounters between cultures and sensibilities. In this way it hopes to foster interest in opera studies in the younger generation of researchers, be they musicologists or scholars from other disciplines. Papers may be given in the language(s) of the host country or in English. Everyone is invited to take part, regardless of their professional status. »

Date limite de soumission : 15 octobre 2022.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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