Appel de conférences – « Sounding Habsburg. Sonic Circulations in Central Europe » – 22 août 2021

Appel de conférences pour le colloque « Sounding Habsburg. Sonic Circulations in Central Europe », New-York, 22-23 avril 2022.

« The Habsburg monarchy was an inescapable presence in Central Europe from the late sixteenth through the early twentieth century, and its legacy continues to resonate into the present day. Described as “a ‘laboratory’ for the pluricultural experience” (Feichtinger and Cohen, 2014), scholarship in history has started to interrogate the interconnections and circulations within Habsburg Central Europe. Exploring how ideas of citizenship and belonging were contested between the local, regional, and imperial (Judson, 2016) or the unexpected ambivalences in allegiances to linguistic, ethnic, and cultural groups (Zahra, 2008), this scholarship has opened a productive line of inquiry that can be brought to bear on questions of music and sound. Recent work in music studies, such as Claudio Velluntini’s writing on Verdi and Donizetti in Vienna (JAMS 2020) or Kevin Karnes’s discussion of the aural mapping of Europe in travel literature (JAMS 2018), are important beginnings. In this conference, we seek to wrestle with the sonic/musical aspects of these entanglements within Habsburg Central Europe and explore how the aural can highlight the ways in which citizenship, belonging, and affiliation were contested and/or cleave along unexpected fault lines. »

Date limite de soumission : 22 août 2021.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

Image : Ethnographic Map of Austrian Monarchy Czoernig 1855, sur le site du colloque.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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