Appel de conférences – « Global Interculturalism and Musical Peripheries SMT 2021 Interest Group Meeting » – 10 juillet 2021

Appel de conférences pour le « Global Interculturalism and Musical Peripheries Society for Music Theory 2021 Interest Group Meeting », Jacksonville et en ligne, 4-7 novembre 2021.

« Global Interculturalism and Musical Peripheries Interest Group solicits 5-8 minutes lightning talks during the 2021 SMT interest group meeting. We welcome contributions that relate to any aspect of racism and violence against the AAPI and other minoritized communities and how the music theory and academic communities have been impacted in its scholarly, pedagogical, and intellectual discourse. Hate crimes against people of Asian descent were rising before the Covid-19 pandemic but have considerably escalated over the last year. The Atlanta-area shootings in March have illuminated the long history of violence against Asian women and immigrants, in conjunction with the history of European and U.S. imperialism in Asia, and biases and discrimination against Asians/Asian Americans. We invite a variety of approaches on AAPI and other marginalized groups in music, including individual testimonials, that challenge and enrich our scholarly discourse, and bring the issues of diversity and social justice into our teaching, research, and professional activities. »

Date limite de soumission : 10 juillet 2021.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici ou ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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