Appel de conférences – « The Sound Object and Music Media » – 30 avril 2020

Appel de conférences pour la rencontre conjointe « The Sound Object and Music Media » des groupes d’intérêt AMS Music & Media et SMT Film & Multimedia, novembre 2020.

« By listening across sound media — the many objects, materials, bodies, and technologies involved in music making and listening — serious attention is paid to media that is not clearly musical. The aurality and materiality of sound documents is inscribed into the ecologies of performance and the narratives we craft about music cultures. This series of lightning talks collectively address the objects, things, material culture, and technologies of musical performance, circulation, consumption, and perception. Sound documents are multimodal: audiotape, film, typed transcripts, handwritten posters, artist books, personal diaries, radio programs and transcripts, maps, album covers, instruments, hard drives, and more. This roundtable asks, how musical sounds, practices, and meanings inform and are informed by relationships between musicking people and musicking things. This roundtable is concerned with fostering an awareness of the materials, objects, and things used to create and experience music, where they come from, and where they end up in the ecology of performance. We will collectively examine the relationships among musical objects, music, musicians, and media. »

Date limite des propositions : 30 avril 2020.

Avis d’acceptation : 10 mai 2020.

Envoyer les propositions (250 mots max pour une présentation d’environ 10 minutes) au format Word à amsmediasg[a]

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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