Appel à contributions – Ashgate Historical Keyboard Series – 24 avril 2020

Appel à contributions pour un volume de la Ashgate Historical Keyboard Series (Routledge) consacré à la question de la paternité de la musique pour clavier, sous la direction d’Andrew Woolley et David Smith.

« Our aim is to cover a very broad chronological range (1450-1820, or possibly to 1900) and to include not only case studies examining particular issues with authorship, but also historical concepts of authorship. Several papers from a conference on this topic that took place in Lisbon in 2018 will be developed for inclusion, provisionally grouped under the headings “authorship in keyboard music before 1700”, “arrangement and adaptation” and “authorial identity through performance”. Proposals may consider these topics but also others mentioned in the original call for papers.

Please note that we hope to produce a focussed book, therefore potential contributions must consider authorship directly one way or another. Transcriptions or arrangements, for instance, should be discussed only within an attempt to identify an author, or as a platform for examining ideas about original composition, paraphrase or arrangement. Contributions must also be concerned with keyboard repertories, instruments or performers.

The complete texts of all submitted contributions will be peer-reviewed before acceptance. For now, please send proposals to Andrew Woolley (awoolley[at] and David Smith (david.j.smith[a] before 24 April 2020. These should consist of a title, abstract of 500 words describing the method and argument, a projected word count, and an indication of when you expect to be able to submit the completed work. »

ISSN : 2368-7061
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