Distinction – Rosenberg Bluegrass Scholar Award – 30 juin 2021

Appel à candidatures pour le Rosenberg Bluegrass Scholar Award, offert par la fondation IBMA, ouvert aux jeunes chercheur.euse.s.

« The Rosenberg Bluegrass Scholar Award annually recognizes the best bluegrass-related paper accepted by a juried academic conference during the year. “Developing academic scholars” eligible for this award are defined as graduate students in MA or PhD programs and recent PhDs (within five years of degree completion). The award’s name honors Bluegrass Hall of Fame member Neil V. Rosenberg, PhD, a noted bluegrass author and historian. »

Date limite de soumission : 30 juin 2021.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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