Nouvelle parution – Intersections. Revue canadienne de musique, vol. 39.1

Vient de paraître : Intersections. Canadian Journal of Music / Revue canadienne de musique, vol. 39, no 1 (2019), « Decolonizing Music Pedagogies », sous la dir. de Robin Attas et Margaret E. Walker.

« The title of this issue, “Decolonizing Music Pedagogies,” has two meanings. Perhaps the more obvious of these is the act or intention of decolonizing the pedagogies used in university music programs. But it can also point to the development of pedagogies that have the potential to do decolonizing work through their application in music courses. Neither interpretation leads to easy or pre-packaged methodologies or materials, and we are still left with many questions. What does it mean to decolonize music pedagogies? How might this be best approached and how should it perhaps not be approached? What might new music pedagogies that “do” decolonization work look like? How can we begin? How can we keep going? » (Extrait de l’éditorial « Exploring Decolonization, Music, and Pedagogy »).

Contributions de : Quintina Carter-Ényì, Aaron Carter-Ényì & Kevin Nathaniel Hylton, Gabriel Dharmoo, Gillian Irwin, Kendra Jacque & Ellen Waterman Linda Pearse, Dylan Robinson, Rena Roussin, Travis D. Stimeling & Sophia M. Enriquez, Alexa Woloshyn.

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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