Bourse – Karl Geiringer Scholarship in Brahms Studies – 1er juin 2021

Appel à candidatures pour la Karl Geiringer Scholarship in Brahms Studies, American Brahms Society. 

« The American Brahms Society is seeking applications for its Karl Geiringer Scholarship in Brahms Studies, from students in the final stages of preparing a doctoral dissertation written in English. Work relating to Brahms should form a significant component of the dissertation, but it need not be the exclusive or even primary focus. The society gives equal consideration to research in historical musicology, analysis, performance practice, and cultural history, among others.

Completed applications will consist of a cover letter, including the applicant’s address, phone number, email address, and institutional affiliation; and  a description of the project of no more than 500 words. Two confidential letters, including one  from the dissertation adviser, should be submitted separately. 

All materials should be submitted electronically as pdf files to Scott Murphy at smurphy[a] »

Date limite de soumission : 1er juin 2021. Les finalistes seront invités à soumettre un chapitre. Les récipiendaires seront informés en novembre.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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