Appel à contributions – Americas. A Hemispheric Music Journal – 2 juillet 2021

Appel à contributions pour le numéro « Sound, Activism, and Social Justice » de la revue Americas. A Hemispheric Music Journal.

Rédactrice en chef : Susan Thomas. Rédacteur invité : Jesus Ramos-Kittrel.

« Recent use of music and sound in social and political activism has recalled attention to their emotive, rhetorical, and infiltrative power. From the 2019 protests in Chile against economic inequality to the protests following the death of George Floyd in 2020, activists have seized upon music and sound–and creative methods to deliver them–not only to deploy urgent political messages, but also as tools to foster, enact, and sustain social change. We are acutely aware that change occurs not only through sonic emission but that it also requires listening. As recent studies have shown, aurality is a process through which people make sense out of the natural, social, and cultural world where they live. As such, aurality is not apolitical, since listening to sound–and to the messages it carries–is sensitive to power relations that mediate the circulation of aural messages in the public sphere. Thus, emission and listening have the potential to be activist strategies to contest politics of exclusion in order to effect objective transformations in the status quo. »

Date limite de sousmission : 2 juillet 2021.

Pour plus de détails, voir l’appel en ligne.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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