Appel de conférences – Watershed Music Theatre Festival Symposium – 26-28 mai 2021

Appel de conférences pour le Watershed Music Theatre Festival Symposium, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario (Canada), en ligne, 26-28 mai 2021.

« As Sonya Renee Taylor reminds us, the pandemic has offered us the opportunity to ”stitch a new garment.” As Broadway reels from its announced closure for the coming months, and as opera companies across the country remain dark and layoff performers, the music theatre community stands stiller and more silent than it has ever been, at a crossroads of sorts. Stitching New Stories seeks to provide a hopeful point of gathering and weave a collective energy around our passion for the art form. We hope to explore the unique ways that music theatre—in its broadest sense, as any combination of song, story, and theatre—might be stitched anew in this moment. What might a new normal look like, ideally, in our industry? What do we stand to gain from reflecting on the stories we weave in this way? We want to understand its potential to effect good in our communities. We want to have conversations that put pressure on the facets of the industry, practice, and repertoire that have caused harm. We are interested in dissolving disciplinary and academic/professional boundaries and in forming new circles of conversation around the possibilities for music and theatre to speak truth, connect communities, and tell new stories—all crucial in our current climate. »

Date limite de soumission : 15 février 2021.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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