Appel de conférences – « Electroacoustic Music as interdisciplinary Practices » – 2 juin 2025

Appel de conférences pour le colloque « Electroacoustic Music as interdisciplinary Practices », Gustave Eiffel University, Sorbonne University, Evry Paris-Saclay University, 19-21 novembre 2025.

« Over its nearly 70 years of existence, electroacoustic music has evolved into a sophisticated, complex, and diverse field characterised by intricate interrelations with emerging technologies, urban sustainability, ecological considerations, intercultural practices, and innovative research methodologies. For example, recent investigations in artificial intelligence or quantum computing have revealed new paradigms for composition, analysis, and performance of electroacoustic music, while studies on urban dynamics and ecological impacts are reshaping our understanding of the sonic environment. Moreover, contemporary research in intercultural studies and creative inquiry has opened novel avenues for rethinking both music analysis and creation.

In this context, EMS 2025 invites contributions that critically examine the numerous interstitial spaces where technology, urban studies, ecology, and cultural studies converge in the practice and critique of electroacoustic music. Key questions include: How are emerging computing methodologies (AI, QC…) redefining compositional practices, performance strategies, and sonic design? In what ways do urban sustainability and ecological imperatives inform (or not) both the practice and critique of electroacoustic music? What insights do diverse cultural perspectives provide in the evolution of electroacoustic aesthetics? How can novel analytical tools and collaborative practices bridge disciplinary divides to stimulate innovative musical experiments? »


Date limite de soumission : 2 juin 2025.

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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