Appel de conférences pour le colloque « Music, Sound, and Politics (Music and Sound Studies Network) », German Studies Association 49th Annual Conference, Arlington, 25-28 septembre 2025.
« What is the “and” between music and politics? As a non-representational medium, music appears insulated from politics, giving rise to entrenched claims of apoliticism by German musicians. Yet, its highly “eventized” and affective qualities make music—and sound more broadly—well suited to political messaging and ceremony. This ambiguity remains evident throughout German history and culture, not least because of its tumultuous politics and (politicized) attempts to shield music from politics. The complex intersection between music and politics seems most active and intimate in moments of revolution and regime change.
The Music and Sound Studies Network of the German Studies Association invites papers that explore and interrogate the complex relationship between music, sound, and politics. Contributors are invited to consider both overtly political texts, contexts, and appropriations, as well as subtle, even unconscious politics of identity (national, sexual, racial, etc.) so germane to the aural landscape. »
Date limite de soumission : 21 février 2025.
Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.