Colloque international « Music & Online Cultures in a Changing Platform Ecosystem », Nova University Lisbon, 19-21 juin 2025.
« For around half of the world’s population, it is hard to imagine a day without being online in some way or another. The widespread adoption of Internet technologies has ostensibly been in service of improving human connectivity, expression, and health. Yet technology companies face unprecedented criticism for the range of changes that Internet platforms have wrought on everyday work and leisure practices. In few domains is this clearer than music.
As digital landscapes have shifted and evolved, music has often been the test subject for industrial change, and music cultures have accordingly negotiated the structures of online platforms. A lively body of scholarly and popular commentary has examined the power inequities, constraints, and affordances of online music platforms. In the mid-2020s, however, the formerly stable ecosystem of social media and streaming platforms is changing according to processes of platform decay. »
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