Série « All Souls Seminars in Medieval and Renaissance Music », en ligne, 6 février au 13 mars 2025.
Responsables : Margaret Bent (Convener, All Souls College) et Joseph W. Mason (University of Cambridge).
« This long-running series of seminars, convened by Dr Margaret Bent, considers all aspects of medieval and renaissance music. Usually, a presenter speaks for around 30 minutes and then engages with invited discussants for another half an hour. The floor is then open for questions and lively general discussion. Each term’s seminars are announced in advance and attendees are asked to register.
6 February 2025, 5pm–7pm GMT
Presenter: James Tomlinson (University of Oslo)
Title: A reassessment of Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, MS 512/543 and its Implications for the Production and Transmission of Polyphony in Late Medieval England
Discussants: Peter Lefferts (University of Nebraska) and Karen Desmond (Maynooth University)
27 February 2025, 5pm–7pm GMT
Presenter: Helen Coffey (The Open University)
Title: Music for Dancing in the Empire of Maximilian I
Discussants: Christiane Wiesenfeldt (University of Heidelberg) and Martin Kirnbauer (Schola Cantorum, Basel)
13 March 2025, 5pm–7pm GMT
Presenter: Paul Kolb (University of Leuven)
Title: Contextuality and Irregularity in Late-Medieval Mensural Notation
Discussants: Emily Zazulia (University of California, Berkeley) and Antonio Chemotti (University of Leuven) »
Pour plus de détails sur le programme : cliquez ici.