Appel à contributions du Rising Voices in Ethnomusicology: A Student Journal pour son numéro spécial Music, Gender, and Sexuality.
« We welcome all submissions as they pertain to this topic, conceived broadly. Authors will engage in a collaborative process with the editing team, working through multiple rounds of editing and feedback prior to publication. We strive for a collaborative review process that helps bridge the gap between writing for university courses and peer-reviewed publication. We especially welcome submissions from first-time publishers, multilingual writers, and from those affiliated with institutions outside the anglosphere. We are currently accepting submissions for the following categories: graduate student articles, creative submissions, and professional submissions. Please note that we will not consider undergraduate submissions for this cycle unless they are directly related to the theme. Refer to the list below for details on each of these categories. We hope you will share widely with those who may be interested. »
Date limite de soumission : 1 mars 2025.
Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.