Vient de paraître : Yale Journal of Music and Religion, vol. 10, no 1 (2024)
Rédaction en chef : Jeffers Engelhardt
Au sommaire :
- Jeffers Engelhardt, « Note from the Editor »
Alisha Lola Jones, « The Vagina Dentata: A Case for Unlocking Mouths, Loosing Hips, and Spreading the Gospel of Healing Women’s Sexual Performance Anxiety »
Desmond Sheehan, « Secular Formations of Sacred Music: Schleiermacher, Romanticism, and Devotional Media in Germany »
Jürgen Thym et Ralph P. Locke, « Who Is Allowed to Compose Catholic Church Music? Ferdinand Hiller’s Insightful Report on the Sacred-Music Competition in Louvain (1866) »
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