Appel de conférences – « Theorizing Trauma and Disability in Music Studies » – 15 octobre 2024

Appel de conférences pour le colloque interdisciplinaire « Theorizing Trauma and Disability in Music Studies », UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music, 7-9 février 2025.

« Scholarly considerations of trauma and disability have evolved largely independently of one another over the past few decades, and yet their various lines of inquiry and close considerations of the human sensorium appear to share a great deal of substantive and meaningful overlap.  Our goal is to bring together artists and scholars whose work concerns music and trauma and/or disability studies in order to identify these areas of overlap, and to open up necessary dialogues between people who may be engaging with similar kinds of questions using different but complementary sets of  tools.  By coming together to understand the intersections between trauma and disability studies more vividly, this event will seek to develop frameworks that can be flexibly shared by scholars in music studies and other related fields, especially given the complex intertwining of disability and trauma that characterizes so much of human life today. »

Date limite de soumission : 15 octobre 2024.

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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