Nouvelle parution – NOVA Contemporary Music Journal, vol. 3, no 2

Vient de paraître : NOVA Contemporary Music Journal, vol. 3, no 2 (2023), « Musical Performance as Creation (II) », sous la dir. d’Isabel Pires, Filipa Magalhães et Riccardo Wanke.

« In a performative context, new listening situations are on the rise. Audiences and performers are actively engaged in innovative auditory experiences, including multimodal, virtual, and immersive encounters. How do these listening modalities influence the appreciation of a musical piece? To what extent is the listening process influenced or restricted by the context in which it occurs? What role does music listening play in settings like museum exhibitions, sound installations, or sound art events? What are the purposes and potentials of music listening in public and open spaces? »

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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