Appel de conférences – « Rethinking Gustav Holst and his Music » – 8 avril 2024

Appel de conférences pour le colloque « Rethinking Gustav Holst and his Music. A Symposium to Celebrate the 150th Anniversary of his Birth », Utah State University, 19 octobre 2024.

« 2024 marks the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the birth of the British composer Gustav Holst. Although his music remains an enduring fixture of the orchestral and wind band canons, scholarship about the composer is rare. One factor contributing to this situation is the outsized influence Imogen Holst’s scholarship plays on our understanding of her father and his music. Her biographical and analytical works remain in print nearly forty years after her death, and despite the works of subsequent biographers such as Michael Short, Alan Gibbs, and Jon Mitchell, the narratives she established remain largely unquestioned. While important work over the last thirty years from Raymond Head, Nalini Ghuman, and others begins to rethink both the historiographical and epistemological frames with which we understand the composer, further work remains to be done to address the complexities and contradictions inherent in Holst and his music. »

Date limite de soumission : 8 avril 2024 (gustavholst2024 -at- gmail).

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

Image : Herbert Lambert (1881–1936), domaine public, via Wikimedia Commons.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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