Appel de conférences – « Horizons of Musical Adaptation. Audibility, Visibility, Media and Performance » – 14 mars 2024

Appel de conférences pour le panel « Horizons of Musical Adaptation. Audibility, Visibility, Media and Performance » de la 2025 MLA conference, New Orleans, 9-12 janvier 2025.

« Musical adaptations from literary texts (see Broomfield-McHugh 2019; Elliott 2020; Hutcheon 2006; Leitch 2007, 2023, etc.) make the invisible (e.g. context, subtext) audible, and perhaps visible anew (e.g. staging, cinematography)—re/shaping meaning and reception: how do such adaptations disrupt conventional binaries of text-reader, author-audience, word-score, heard-seen, page-stage, etc.? How do adaptations complicate conceptions of authorship, ownership, and originality, and how might embodied performance and performers’ bodies complicate presentation and interpretation?

This panel welcomes submissions from not only literary scholars, but also musicologists, theatre, musical theatre, and film studies scholars, and performer-practitioners (composers, librettists, designers, directors, etc). Discussions of art song, popular song, opera, musicals (Broadway, West End, off-Broadway, etc.) and engagements with musical adaptations beyond live in-person performance (film, streaming, VR, etc.) are encouraged.

Papers/presentations should be 20 minutes in length, with a 10-minute Q&A period following.

Please submit abstracts (maximum 250 words) and a short bio (maximum 100 words) by March 14, 2024 here: »

Date limite de soumission : 14 mars 2024 (scott.m.sanders -at-

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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