Nouvelle parution – Fanfare for a City. Music and the Urban Imagination in Haussmann’s Paris

Vient de paraître : Fanfare for a City. Music and the Urban Imagination in Haussmann’s Paris, par Jacek Blaszkiewicz, Oakland, University of California Press, 2023, 264 pages.

« Fanfare for a City invites us to listen to the sounds of Paris during the Second Empire (1852–1870), a regime that oversaw dramatic social change in the French capital. By exploring the sonic worlds of exhibitions, cafés, streets, and markets, Jacek Blaszkiewicz shows how the city’s musical life shaped urban narratives about le nouveau Paris: a metropolis at a crossroads between its classical, Roman past and its capitalist, imperial future. At the heart of the narrative is “Baron” Haussmann, the engineer of imperial urbanism and the inspiration for a range of musical responses to modernity, from the enthusiastic to the nostalgic. Drawing on theoretical approaches from historical musicology, urban sociology, and sound studies to shed light on newly surfaced archival material, Fanfare for a City argues that urbanism was a driving force in how nineteenth-century music was produced, performed, and policed. »

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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